This audio
cassette and CD features devotional songs written by paramhansas and devotees
of Bhagwan Swaminarayan and sung by the sadhus of BAPS.
Side B features the much-loved bhajans of "Ek same Amdavadma
which describe the divine incidents of Bhagwan Swaminarayan in Amdavad.
Song Title
1. Aj Mare Orde Re |
Sadhu Krushnapriyadas |
2. Sajni Sambhalo Re |
Saints (Chorus) |
3. Bolya Shrihari Re |
Sadhu Akshareshdas |
4. Vali Sahu Sambhalo
Re |
Sadhu Akshareshdas |
5. Aj Sakhi Anandni Heli |
Saints (Chorus) |
6. Maher
Kari Mare Mandire Avo |
Saints (Chorus) |
7. Purvanu
Punya Pragat Thayu Jyare |
Saints (Chorus) |
8. Ek Same
Amdavad Ma
(8 Pads of Amdavad Lila) |
Sadhu Premvadandas,
Sadhu Shukmunidas, Saints (Chorus) |
Duration: 60 minutes
Produced by: Audio-Visual Department, BAPS
Published by: Swaminarayan Aksharpith,
Amdavad - 4, INDIA. February 2003
Copyright: ©
Swaminarayan Aksharpith, Amdavad - 4, INDIA.
Available at all BAPS centers in India,
UK, USA, Australia & E. Africa